USAID-BHA Performance Evaluation – Consultant

IRC - International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC is one of the world’s largest international humanitarian non-governmental organizations (INGO), at work in more than 50 countries and more than 25 U.S. cities helping people to survive, reclaim control of their future and strengthen their communities. A force for humanity, IRC employees deliver lasting impact by restoring safety, dignity and hope to millions. If you’re a solutions-driven, passionate change-maker, come join us in positively impacting the lives of millions of people world-wide for a better future.

PerformanceEvaluation:EmpowerandInformProject SCOPE OF WORK


The BHA-funded Empower and Inform project aims to foster accountable, client-centric and quality humanitarian assistance by empowering crisis-affected people with information to make informed decisionsintimesofcrisisandenabling theirparticipationtoshapethehumanitarianassistancethey receive. The project is implemented through two pillars described below: Responsive Information in Emergencies (RISE) and Empower to Enable (E2E).

Under RISE, the project focuses on addressing critical gaps in the space of responsive information and its alignment with communication and community engagement strategies todevelop a harmo- nized toolkit that brings together best practice and operational resources in responsive on and of- fline information services with RCCE for application in emergency settings, while additionally devel- oping and piloting approaches to meaningful inclusion in responsive information as well as facilita- tionofleadershipbycommunitynetworksandactors. TheToolkitwasdevelopedfollowing a forma- tive learning exercise and is being piloted in partnership with the IRC Nigeria andMyanmar country programs and the RISE Advisory Group andTechnical Team. The Toolkit will undergo a revisionand finalization process based on the feedback received during the pilot. The purpose is to ensure the toolkit’s relevance to frontline staff from diverse organizations and its effectiveness in supporting frontline staff to design and deliver context-appropriate responsive information services to people affected by crisis.

Under Empower to Enable (E2E), the project focuses on the empowerment of frontline staff to en- hanceclientparticipation through theE2E Toolkit,a setoftools developedinconsultationwiththe IRC Iraq and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) country programs and the E2E Project Advisory Committee. The toolkit comprises eight tools that address the enablers, barriers, and strategic changes outlined in the E2E Learning Report. The E2E toolkit was tested during a five-month pilot program by IRC Iraq andDRC and select local partners, and will undergoa revisionand finalization process based on the feedback received during the pilot. This will ensure the toolkit’s relevance to diverseorganizationsanditseffectivenessinempowering frontlinestaffandfacilitating meaningful client participation.


The main purpose of the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the Empower & Informproject,including perceivedvalue,quality,andappropriatenessofthenewlydevelopedpro- ject RISE and E2E toolkits. The evaluation will use amixed methods approach – including triangula- tion with existing project monitoring and pilot data – to identify successes, challenges, and lessons related to these lines of inquiry, along with related conclusions and recommendations. Evaluation resultswillbeusedtoinformIRCandBHA’sapproachestothedesign,development,andimplementationoftheRISE,E2E,andsimilartoolkitsinthefuture.

Specifically, the evaluation should be able to:

  • AssesstheextenttowhichtheEmpower&Informprojectwaseffectiveinmeetingitsintendedactivitiesandoutcomes;
  • AssesstherelevanceandperceivedvalueoftheRISEandE2Etoolkitstofrontlinestaff;
  • Identifybestpracticesandlessonslearnedthroughtoolkitdevelopment/implementation and provide concrete recommendations;
  • Assessandidentifycriticalinternalandexternalfactorsthathavecontributed,affected,or impeded the project’s achievements and how IRC has managed these factors.


Theevaluationshouldexploretheprogram’srelevanceandeffectiveness, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned. At minimum, the following evaluation questions should be answered:

  • TowhatextentwastheEmpower&Inform projecteffectiveinmeeting itsintendedactivities and targets?
  • Towhatextentwereprojectactivitiescompletedasproposed?
  • Towhatextentwereprojecttargets(includingoutputsandoutcomes)met?
  • TowhatextentweretheRISEandE2Etoolkitsrelevantandvaluableforfrontlinestaff?
  • InwhatwaysdidtheRISEtoolkitstrengthenthecapacityoffrontlinestaffto deliver inclusive and responsive information services?
  • InwhatwaysdidtheE2EToolkitempoweredfrontlinestafftoenhanceclientpartici- pation?
  • HowappropriateandrelevantarethecurrentRISEandE2E toolkitstoIRC country program implementation contexts?
  • WhatlessonsandbestpracticeswerelearnedthroughtheRISEandE2Etoolkitdevelopment and implementation process?
  • Whatarethebiggestsuccessesorcontributionsoftheproject/thesetoolkits?
  • Whatwerethebiggestchallengesorgapsrelatedtotheproject/thesetoolkits?
  • Whatrecommendationsdostakeholdershavefordesigningandstructuring similar projects to be more effective in the future?
  • Whatinternalandexternalfactorscriticallycontributedto,affected,orimpededtheproject’sachievements?
  • HowdidtheIRCmanagethesefactors?


Theintendedusersfortheevaluationwill be:

  • TheEmpower&Informprogramteamandadvisorycommittee(s)
  • AllinterestedpartiesinIRC, includingforRISE, CountryPrograms,SeniorLeadershipGroup, Technical Team, Violence Prevention and Response (VPRU) Technical Advisors, and Emergencies and HumanitarianAction Unit (EHAU); and for E2E,Country Programs and Partner- ships and Measurement Units.
  • RepresentativesofBHAasthedonorthathasfundedtheproject.

TheIRCwillalsosharekey evaluationfindingsthoughrelevantinter-agencyIRC Signpostpartners; blog posts and/orarticles on public platforms where relevant; and with the frontline staff, teams, and partners involved in the piloting of the toolkits.


The Consultant will design anappropriate evaluation methodology based on their understanding of the expectations of the terms of reference and evaluation questions, as well as initial consultations withtheprojectteam. TheConsultantshouldproposeandadoptmethodologies thatcombinequali- tativeandquantitativetechniques, including atminimum(i)deskreviewofexisting projectmaterials and resources (ii) key informant interviews with key project stakeholders and/or clients, and (iii) tri- angulation with existing project monitoring and pilot data.

TheConsultantisexpectedtoproposetheir methodsfortheevaluationthatshouldincludebutnot limited to:

  • Drafting datacollectiontools, withaplanforfeedbackontoolstobeusedinimplementa- tion contexts;
  • Developingthedatacollectionmethodology,includingsampling;
  • Developingthequantitativeandqualitativedataanalysisplan;
  • Planforvalidationoffindingswithkey stakeholders;
  • ProductionoftheevaluationreportusingUSAIDevaluationformat.

The Consultant should submit a detailed evaluation inception report (describedbelow) that includes datacollectioninstruments,clearrolesandresponsibilities,timeframe,dataanalysisprocess, validation approach, andreport writing, as well as an evaluation matrix. All data collected must be dis- aggregated as relevantand feasible according to the USAID requirements, including but not limited to by sex, age, disability, and location.

EvaluationRolesandResponsibilities IRC will:

  • FacilitateengagementwithIRC countryprogramcolleagues,clients, and/orotherrelevant stakeholders, as required
  • Coverdatacollectioncostssuchasenumerators’allowances,vehiclerental,airtimeforenumerators, and enumerators’ training costs, as required
  • Provideallnecessaryprogramdocumentsandrelevantmonitoringdata
  • ReviewtheConsultant’sproposal,toolsandevaluationreport


  • Beresponsibleforallaspectsoftheentireevaluationprocess,including evaluationprepara- tion, data collection, analysis, and report writing.
  • Beresponsibleforpayinganytaxorotherfeesrelatedtothisassignment.
  • Beresponsiblefortheirworkingtoolssuchascomputeranddataanalysissoftware.


TheConsultantwillreporttotheRISEMEALfocalpoint, withclosecollaborationwiththe Evaluation Committee, comprised of the Response Information Specialist and Senior Technical Advisor and the Client Responsiveness Project Manager and Specialist. TheConsultant will also collaborate with respective advisory committees and IRC country program colleagues, as appropriate.




  • Inception Report: TheConsultant shall be expected to produce an inception report upon commencementoftheassignment. Theinceptionreportwilldetailtheagreedmethodologiestobe employedduring theevaluation. Thereportshouldalsoincludethefinalizedactivity plananda structural outline of the final evaluation report and should be shared and approved by IRC be- fore the data collection and analysis begin. The inception report should also contain:
  • Adetailedmethodologyfortheevaluationimplementation,includingsampling;
  • Theindicatorsandmonitoring datathatfallwithinthescopeoftheprogramreview;
  • Draftdatacollectiontools(qualitativeandquantitative);
  • Aworkplanthatsetsoutthepreparatoryactivities, specific deliverables,andtimelinerelated to the program review and budget for the data collection and analysis activities.
  • Facilitated ValidationSession: TheConsultantwillfacilitateavalidationworkshoppreceding the final report where the evaluations’ preliminary findings, conclusions,and recommendations will be presented to the IRC project team. The consultant will incorporate comments and feedback from the validation workshop into the final draft of the evaluation report.
  • Evaluation Report: The report should address the above consultancy objectives and contain an executivesummary,acknowledgments,introductionincludingprogramsummaryandpurposeof theevaluation, a detailedmethodology (including limitations);key findings (covering both docu- ment review and primary research), lessons learned, evidence-based recommendations, conclu- sions, and annexes. Annexes should include, at a minimum: data collection tools, evaluation da- taset, any additional referencematerials,and a list ofkey informants interviewed.A soft copy of the report should be shared with the Evaluation Committee and MEAL focal point, and the re- port should not be more than 30 pages, excluding the cover page and annexes.
  • Summary Report: A summarized four pages evaluation report that summarizes the evaluation purposeandbackground,evaluationquestions,findings,lessonslearned,conclusionandrecommendation).
  • Presentation: APowerPointpresentationoutlinestheevaluationprocess,keyfindings,lessons learned, and key recommendations.

ThedeliverablesabovewillbeaccompaniedbyregularcommunicationandfeedbackfromIRC. The report should be shared with the Evaluation Committee and MEAL focal point.

Minimum Qualifications:

Pleasenotethatthisconsultancyisonlyopentoindividual(s)consultantsandnot companiesor other evaluation firms.

  • AqualificationinMonitoringandEvaluation,Research,Statistics,oranyotherrelated fieldisrequired. A qualificationinProtectionor SocialWork, SocialSciences, or other related field is also strongly recommended.
  • Significantexperienceindesigning,planning,andconducting performanceevaluations using mixed methods design approaches
  • Experienceincarrying outevaluationsinhumanitariancontexts.Thematicexperience with conducting Toolkit evaluations would be an asset.
  • Excellentskillsinquantitativeandqualitativedatacollectionandanalysis, including skills in data analysis software such as Nvivo, Dedoose, and/or Excel
  • Excellentorganizing,facilitating,presentation,andcommunicationskills,includinggood report writing in English
  • AbilitytocommunicateinEnglishrequired,includingadvancedEnglishwritingabilities
  • Experienceinusing mobiledata collectionsystemssuchasKoBoCollectorCommCare will be an added advantage
  • Knowledgeandexperienceinconducting datacollectionandanalysisrelatedtoprotection, social work, or similar sectors will be a strong asset
  • Demonstratedexperiencewithparticipatoryand/orequitableapproachestoevaluation will be asset
  • Hausa,Kanuri,Fulfulde,orBurmeselanguageskillswillbeanasset
  • ExperiencewithCommunicationwithCommunities,RiskCommunicationandCommunity Engagement, Information as Aid, and/or AAP work would be an asset


InterestedapplicantswhomeettherequiredprofileareinvitedtosubmitanapplicationinEnglish. The application package should include:

  • TheConsultantCV withdetailsofqualificationsandrelevantexperience(maximum5 pages)
  • A technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the ToR, methodology, and expectedoutputs.Thetechnicalproposalshouldcontainacompletedescriptionandexplanation of the proposed methodology for the assignment, work plan, timeline, and any other resources that the Consultant will make available to execute the task.
  • Financialproposalshowingtheevaluationcosts.


Standard of Professional Conduct:The IRC and the IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – our Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability, and Equality.

Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion:
The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people that are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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