Exploring the intersection of Ageing and Substance Use: Implications for older women’s health, mental health and wellbeing.

University of Dundee


Older adults (aged 60+) experience alarmingly high rates of mental illness and substance use (e.g., alcohol use, prescription-drug misuse, illicit-drug use) disorders. These often intersect with neurocognitive changes and age-related potential harms such as falls, social isolation and elder abuse. Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues. Despite this unique situation and the increasing number of older adults, in the UK both literature and interventions on substance use in the general population of older adults is slowly growing. While there is a considerable body of research on women of reproductive age with substance use disorders, in the UK the research focused on older women in the context of substance use and health/mental health is still scarce. This represents an important gap in research and healthcare understanding. Health and mental health care needs amongst older women with substance use disorders, who often are also living with physical disabilities, hormonal changes, caregiving responsibilities and life transitions (e.g., widowhood), have major implications for policy and service delivery.

Substance use among older adults is a complex and underexplored issue, therefore this PhD proposal aims to investigate the multifaceted relationship between ageing and substance use, recognising that both phenomena have profound implications for individuals’ health and wellbeing. As global demographics shift towards an increasingly older population, understanding the complex dynamics between ageing, mental health and substance use disorders becomes imperative to advance healthcare policy and practice.

For informal enquiries about the project, contact Dr Meiko Makita, School of Health Sciences,

For general enquiries about the University of Dundee, contact

Our research community thrives on the diversity of students and staff which helps to make the University of Dundee a UK university of choice for postgraduate research. We welcome applications from all talented individuals and are committed to widening access to those who have the ability and potential to benefit from higher education.


Applicants must have obtained, or expect to obtain, a UK honours degree at 2.1 or above (or equivalent for non-UK qualifications), and/or a Masters degree in a relevant discipline. For international qualifications, please see equivalent entry requirements here: www.dundee.ac.uk/study/international/country/.

English language requirement: IELTS (Academic) overall score must be at least 6.5 (with not less than 6.0 in reading, listening, speaking and writing). The University of Dundee accepts a variety of equivalent qualifications and alternative ways to demonstrate language proficiency; please see full details of the University’s English language requirements here: www.dundee.ac.uk/guides/english-language-requirements.


Step 1: Email Dr Meiko Makita, to (1) send a copy of your CV and (2) discuss your potential application and any practicalities (e.g. suitable start date).

Step 2: After discussion with Dr Meiko Makita, formal applications can be made via our direct application system. When applying, please follow the instructions below:

Candidates must apply for the Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Nursing & Health Sciences (4 Year) or PhD in Nursing & Health Sciences (3 Year) using our direct application system.

Please select the study mode (full-time/part-time) and start date agreed with the lead supervisor.

In the Research Proposal section, please:

–         Enter the lead supervisor’s name in the ‘proposed supervisor’ box

–         Enter the project title listed at the top of this page in the ‘proposed project title’ box

In the ‘personal statement’ section, please outline your suitability for the project selected.

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